ZKTeco Inbio 260 (2-Door Controller)


385.34 385.34000000000003 USD 385.34

N$ 7,131.10

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    InBio160 - 2 door access controller


    The InBio260 is an IP based biometric access controller. Suited for a two door access control application. 


    Number of access doors - 2

    Numbers of readers supported - 8 (4 RS-485 Reader, 4 26-bit wiegand reader)

    Types of readers supported  - 26-bit Wiegand and  RS485 FR Series Reader

    Number of Inputs  - 6 (2 Exit Button, 2 Door Status, 2 AUX)    

    Number of Outputs - 4 (2-Form C Relay for Lock and 2-Form C Relay for Aux Output) 

    RFID Card  Capacity - 30,000

    Fingerprint Capacity - 3,000 (20,000 optional)

    Transaction Memory Capacity - 100,000 

    Communication - TCP/IP